Record/Peer Reviews
ECN is a nationwide leader when it comes to scheduling Medical Record and Peer Reviews in a variety of types of Automobile and Personal Injury cases. ECN has built an impressive and extensive nationwide panel of board certified medical professionals in all health specialties who offer impartial opinions based upon objective evaluations of medical records and films. Our medical professionals carefully review all records, films, and other materials that are provided to them and rendered thorough and well-reasoned opinions based upon the review of the materials provided.
ECN's staff is committed to the consistent delivery of the highest quality IMEs and customer service currently available in our industry. As a result of our commitment to quality and excellence, ECN's clients can expect customized and cost effective IMEs which are delivered promptly and professionally by a competent and courteous staff.
Having procured thousands of IMEs, ECN has learned that success is the result of implementing and maintaining specific "added value" services. At ECN, these services are included with each and every IME request that we receive.